Frequently Asked Questions


UW Traumatic Brain Injury – Behavioral Health ECHO is a free teleconference program focused on the management of behavioral health problems in patients with TBI.

Approximately 145,000 Washingtonians currently live with a long-term disability resulting from TBI. About 40% of patients who experience a TBI will face ongoing cognitive, emotional, or occupational disturbance one year after injury, and nearly half develop a long-term disability. Successful TBI recovery can depend in large part on access and adherence to behavioral health treatment. cite references, or remove references?

UW TBI-BH ECHO aims to improve and support behavioral health care for survivors of traumatic brain injury by:

  • Expanding the capacity, confidence, and skills of health care professionals in Washington, especially those located in remote, underserved areas.
  • Offering telehealth resource support to leverage scarce resources.
  • Sharing and disseminating best practices to improve access and reduce disparities to timely and evidence-based care. 

What is the format & schedule?

Through a series of focused didactics and patient case consultations, UW TBI-BH ECHO creates a virtual, interdisciplinary “community of practice” where community-based providers who care for TBI survivors throughout Washington State can connect with psychiatrists and rehabilitation experts at UW Medicine and beyond, to learn from each other and discuss real-life cases. 

Sessions include:

  • An educational presentation on topics such as the identification and management of common post-TBI symptoms, including PTSD, depression, anxiety, sleep disturbance, anger/agitation, cognitive impairment, and substance abuse.
  • Opportunities to discuss patient cases (de-identified) and receive written feedback and recommendations. Case consultation will include interaction with content experts in evidence-based solutions, directly translating to practices for all attendees.

Who should attend?

We welcome participation from health care providers who are managing patients with post-TBI behavioral problems in Washington State, including primary care providers, neurologists, mental health professionals, and APPs practicing in a variety of settings (e.g., primary care, skilled nursing facilities, adult family homes, prisons, etc.).

What is the cost?

Participation is free and credit for continuing medical education is available for a nominal fee through the University of Washington.

Continuing Medical Education Certificate Fees (Number of Hours Claimed per Series):

$25 for 8.0 hours or less
$35 for 8.25-16.0 hours
$45 for 16.25-64.0 hours
Please note that fees will be applied for each series for the number of hours you wish to claim.

Is continuing education credit available?

Accreditation with Commendation: The University of Washington School of Medicine is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians.

Credit Designation: The University of Washington School of Medicine designates this live activity for a maximum of 33 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

(Each session is 1.5 credits)

Recordings and slides are made available as resources. Unfortunately, we cannot offer credit for watching the recordings; you must attend the webinar to be eligible for CME credits.

This accreditation is effective from January through December 2024.

Continuing Education Credits

A Certificate of Completion including # of contact hours is awarded for each webinar to all attendees who complete the evaluation form. This Certificate of Completion may be able to be used by various clinicians to meet licensure requirements, including:

How do I register?

To register, please follow these easy steps to join the series and to receive continuing medical education (CME):

  1. Register online
  2. Receive a reminder email that contains specific details about upcoming sessions, including a link to an Outlook Calendar Appointment
  3. Attend when you are available
  4. Complete evaluations to receive you CME credits for the sessions you attended
  5. Apply for CME – TBI-BH ECHO staff will send instructions at the end of each calendar year

Participation is free and credit for continuing medical education is available for a nominal fee.

UW TBI-BH sessions take place the 1st and 3rd Friday of each month from 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm PT.

How does the case conference work?

About​ Case Conferences

“All teach, all learn.” 

We all have interesting or challenging patient cases, whether we are new to the practice or seasoned expert, and we can all learn from each other.  Case discussions are an essential element of the ECHO model, and we encourage you to bring your challenging cases, your successes, your questions, and your “clinical conundrums.” 

We will have a highly interactive discussion of the case and afterward, provide you with a written summary of recommendations. Case discussions increase the knowledge and skills of all participants – and panelists – in treating patients in their practices experiencing mental and behavioral health issues as a result of TBI.

Cases that are submitted do not need to be related to the educational component of the session. 

Request a Case Conference

To submit a case, please complete the case conference form to the best of your ability and knowledge. Please do not include any Patient Health Information (PHI) on your form. The form is intended to assist you in submitting relevant information and to help guide you in presenting the case at the session. You are not required to complete parts of the form that are not relevant to your case.  

Once you have submitted your completed form, a member of our team will contact you to schedule a date convenient for you to present your case. UW TBI-BH ECHO staff will also use the information you have entered to create a slide to be shown during the session.

Here is a link to a video detailing the process:

If you have any concerns or questions about submitting a case, please feel free to contact us at: